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Artigos de Colaboradores



EDMONDS, D. A., CALDWELL, R. L., BRONDIZIOI, E. S., & SIANI, S. M. O. Coastal flooding will disproportionately impact people on river deltas. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1), 1-8.


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FERNANDÉZ-LLAMAZARES, Á., TERRAUBE, J., GAVIN, M. C., PYHÄLÄ, A., SIANI, S. M. O., CABEZA, M., BRONDIZIO, E. S. Reframing the wilderness concept can bolster collaborative conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2020, 35(9), 750-753.​


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MACIEL, D. A., NOVO, E. M. L. D. M., BARBOSA, C. C. F., MARTINS, V. S., FLORES JR, R., OLIVEIRA, A. H., LOBO, F. D. L. Evaluating the potential of CubeSats for remote sensing reflectance retrieval over inland waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020. 41(7), 2807-2817.


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